MUFA Award for Outstanding Service – Nominations Due February 21, 2025

The purpose of the MUFA Award for Outstanding Service is to provide annual recognition[1] for faculty and professional librarians who have made an outstanding contribution to the mission of the University through the provision of exceptional service to faculty, librarians, staff and/or students.
Each year there will be a maximum of three awards in the amount of $2,500.
The Awards are open to all Full Members of the McMaster University Faculty Association (MUFA) [2].
The MUFA Executive will appoint a selection Committee to be drawn from amongst the categories of faculty, librarians, staff and students (undergraduate and graduate).
- The Committee shall be comprised of no less than four, and no more than eight members, including the Chair.
- The MUFA Past President normally serves as Chair and is not counted as the faculty representative.
- The Secretary to the Committee will be the MUFA Executive Director.
- A quorum for a Committee meeting shall be four members in attendance, including the Chair.
- There will be a call for nominations through University and MUFA electronic distribution lists, in the MUFA Newsletter, and on the MUFA webpage.
- Nominations must be e-mailed to MUFA ( no later than February 21, 2025.
- The nomination must include a summary of not more than 750 words highlighting the candidate’s accomplishments.
- Each nomination must be supported by a minimum of two and not more than four reference letters. The reference letters must be e-mailed or mailed to MUFA, either through the nominator or directly from the reference. Reference letters shall not exceed 500 words.
- The position and contact information for the nominator and all references must be clearly indicated
The Committee will review the nominations and will make the final decision regarding the selection of award recipients. Some of the factors considered by the Committee will include:
- enhancement of the reputation of McMaster University
- provision of excellent service
- demonstrated innovation
- breadth and depth of impact
- the enhancement of student success
- the ability to establish and maintain effective and harmonious working relationships
- evident acceptance of diversity and inclusivity at McMaster
- strength and diversity of supporting references
The faculty/librarians selected to receive the awards will be invited to attend a special reception normally held in conjunction with the MUFA Annual General Meeting and will be presented with their awards at that time. Pictures of the individual recipients and a brief summary of the rationale for their award will be published in the MUFA Newsletter and on the MUFA webpage.
Each eligible faculty/librarian who was nominated for an award will receive a letter of commendation from the MUFA President.
[1] MUFA faculty/librarians are not eligible for the President’s Awards for Outstanding Service, awarded by the President of McMaster University.
[2] Those holding academic administrative appointments with the rank of Assistant Dean or higher in the current academic year are not eligible for the Award.